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For a Healthier Mind
Find Your Inner Peace
Start Your Journey Today

ElEVEN22: Journal Writing

eleven22 is Maitri's unique journal writing therapy session. Express your thoughts and emotions on paper to gain insight and clarity. Writing in a journal can help you process feelings, reduce stress, and enhance self-awareness. Whether you're dealing with daily stressors or deeper emotional issues, eleven22 offers a safe space for reflection and growth. Start your journey to mental well-being with the power of words.

SRIBA: Art Therapy

Discover the healing potential of creativity with Sriba, Maitri's art therapy activity. Use drawing, painting, and other artistic forms to express your inner self and find emotional relief. Art therapy can reduce anxiety, improve mood, and boost self-esteem. Sriba provides a board for your artistic expression and emphasizes the importance of creativity in mental health. Unleash your creativity and explore the therapeutic benefits of art with Sriba.

AUDIO-BLISS: Music Therapy

Immerse yourself in the soothing sounds of Audio Bliss, Maitri's music therapy session. Music has the power to elevate your mood, reduce stress, and promote relaxation. Whether you prefer calming melodies or uplifting rhythms, Audio Bliss offers a range of musical experiences to support your mental well-being. Tune into the healing power of music and let Audio Bliss guide you to a more balanced and peaceful state of mind

FRENZY: Rage Section

Frenzy is Maitri's dynamic rage section designed for those needing a physical outlet for their frustrations. In this controlled environment, you can safely release pent-up anger and stress by breaking objects with a hammer. Engaging in such activities can be a fun and effective way to reduce tension and improve emotional health. Experience the therapeutic benefits of controlled chaos with Frenzy and find relief through physical expression.

(About Maitri)

Maitri is a fun project focused on mental well-being through creative therapies. Though not officially authorized, we offer several engaging activities: "eleven22" for journal writing, "Sriba" for art therapy, "Audio Bliss" for music therapy, and "Frenzy" for a fun rage section where you can safely break items with a hammer. Join us on the journey to a healthier mind and help improve our project with your feedback


Go and Explore! Support the project by sharing your feedback and helping us improve!